
My Story

I have trained as an Osteopath, Naturopath, Cranial osteopath, and  Homeopath. I have taught at several colleges and now run my own courses, including The River School of Homeopathy (, which qualifies you to be a professional homeopath.  I am still, and always will be, a student. There is something to learn from everyone. Read more…

I began my training as an Osteopath and Naturopath which was an intense 4 year full time training in London. This provided me with excellent medical understanding of the body as well as a whole philosophy on how the body heals. Naturopathy is a very broad term but its essence is looking to nature for remedies and lifestyle/ dietary changes to restore health. It also teaches the powerful connection between the mind and the body. It teaches that Nature knows best and that when we connect to nature it offers us stillness, beauty and medicine. Naturopathy teaches us to listen to our body for the answers. Hippocrates, the founder of medicine and naturopathy, said  “let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”

He also said ” Nature, itself, is the best physician ”

During this time I also studied cranial osteopathy at weekends for 2 years with a man called Thomas Atlee. It was one of the first schools to teach cranial  which it is a gentle and deep  form of osteopathy. It is particularly good for releasing physical injury and emotional trauma from the system. It also allows me to feel the quality of a person on many levels.