Energy Healing

Posted By on Apr 23, 2019 | 0 comments

Dorothy L Baynham LCH
Homeopath and Energy Healing
07815 834698
Home-based practice in Marlow


Mobile: 07970 919195

I’m an Intuitive Energy Healer currently working from my home in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

I first met Helen fourteen years ago when I was dealing with sciatica. Since then she has helped me to bring my healing gift to the forefront and taught me how to use it to treat others in numerous ways.  I believe that long term trauma, grief and loss remain with us, within our auras, until they eventually affect our physical, emotional and spiritual selves. This is usually when people begin to look for help in all its various forms, as I did when I first met Helen. 

Over time people have experienced my work and I have become increasingly confident to trust that what I do is helpful, sometimes dramatically. 

I use my intuition to guide me into a person’s body and aura, allowing the healing to ground, unblock and rebalance chakras (the body’s energy centres).

Einstein said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

I have completed Helen Johnson’s Academy of Healing Arts two year course, 

Listening With Your Hands course, 

Soul Rescue Course, 

I also have knowledge of healing crystals & oils, and I’m enrolled on the three year Homeopathy degree course due to start in December at the River School of Homeopathy.